Opinion BY Semma Lenox for Croglog
The American government wants it's hits. As tries to figure out how to raise the debt ceiling and save that good credit rating of it. America does not deserve a good credit rating it has. If any person had debt like this , they could not raise their debt ceiling so they can go on spending or they won't have a good credit rating.
Making cuts has been called evil you are going to throw grandma over a cliff and make her work till she's 90. Which is false. Making cuts is moral obligation to our later generations. The government has been spending too much over. It's Former President Bush's fault and Current President Obama's fault. The Liberals and Democrats want to raise taxes, wait a second they make about $2 trillion dollars a year from taxes so what the heck are doing with it? They need their fix of more money to waste and that's not what we need. America's government is an addict they need their hit of money and we need to get them into rehab.
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