By Skyler M and Kathy Walker
Here comes Michigan and Arizona's primaries... it's big chance for the first big primaries since Florida, last month and the last until Super Tuesday, the week later. Mitt Romney , if he wants to become the media front runner again he has to win both or just Michigan to get his momentum and status back. Former senator Rick Santorum , has been on a roll since he won , Missouri, Minnesota,and Colorado he has been very covered in this month. Newt Gingrich , who is not leading well in these two states has been focused on Super Tuesday states that happen on March 6th. Ron Paul who hasn't won a state, unless you count Maine as fraudulent results that cheated him, he hasn't won a state.
February 28th
Primary Arizona 29 Delegates at stake (Proportional)
Michigan 30 Delegates at stake (Proportional)
Michigan is considered a home state for Mr.Romney his father was governor there from 1963-1969 , and President of the now defunct American Motors Corporation. But recent polls show it close or Romney leading by a couple points it wasn't like that before but it's like that now. Romney is leading in Arizona by 13 points .
Kathy's Predictions : Michigan will go to Mitt Romney but it won't be pretty ...Arizona will too a good night for him but a squeaker non the less. Second will be Santorum and 3rd wiil be Ron Paul .
Skyler's Outlook: No one will be quitting after that's pretty much known but it's a moral boaster for anyone who wins these races.
Delegate count as fof 2/25/12