Showing posts with label the Full look. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Full look. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Auto Bail Outs ... are still not liked says poll

THE Full look 
By Rachel K for mychiller
 It's been about 3-4 years since the government funded bail outs of GM and Chrysler , there was some scrutiny on Mitt Romney's 2008 OP-ED piece. But how to American's feel about them now?
       According a  recent Gallop poll : 51% of Americans still disapprove of them while 44% agree, it's also a split by party lines.  73% of Republicans oppose and 63% of Democrats support. 50% of independents  disapprove while 43%   approve.
   Meanwhile here are the status numbers :
   GM which got $50billion  it has paid back $22billion.
GM has been having a good season for now , so has Chrysler ,which is now 58.5% owned by Fiat.
   Now it does the disapproval is down but that is with age mostly.
 Also according to polls  by different areas of the country.
  On The East  51% of those asked disapprove, while 44% approve , the MidWest( where Detroit  is )  50% disapprove  while 46% approve. In the south , where many foreign automakers have plants, 50% disapprove 44% approve, West  55% disapprove  and 42% approve.

source:  Gallup