Mitt Romney
Rick Santorum
Newt Gingrich
Ron Paul
changes: Rick Santorum takes 2nd place from Newt Gingrich.
related : The 2012 primary/Caucus calendar
Your News. Your Life . Straight Forward
Some lawmakers lashed out at the CEOs of the Big Three auto companies Wednesday for flying private jets to Washington to request taxpayer bailout money.That was Novemember 19th 2008 when that article came out.
The Senate on Thursday night abandoned efforts to fashion a government rescue of the American automobile industry, as Senate Republicans refused to support a bill endorsed by the White House and Congressional Democrats.That was December 11th 2008.
Even if TARP funds are made available to the Big Three, would that save the automakers from bankruptcy, or just delay it?As yes what a good question if GM and Chrysler got the TARP bail out, would that delay it ? T.A.R.P , if you forgot what it was , was the bank bailouts of 2008 under President Bush. It cost $787 billion dollars of Tax-payer money.