Saturday, February 04, 2012

What February means to each candiate

Orginally from our sister site, Mychiller


By Skyler 

     February doesn't have lots of debates , the elections are mostly caucuses, but it still means alot for each of the remaining candidates. 
  Mitt Romney , has 87 delegates he is in the lead of all the canidates  but still has a long way to go , if he wants the nomination number (1,144) the up coming races are not winner take all, so he needs a higher precentage win to get the most delegates for that state. He it still looks good for him ,since a lot of the states are western states, which do have some higer percentage of Mormoms. He also has expirence with the west , since running in 2008 and the helping the 2002 Salt Lake City olympics. 
    Mr. Romney has  strong leads in some states in polls.  
DR.Ron Paul , has two things : time and money, he's betting on caucues (there are a lot of them this month) to move him forward. Caucues , unlike primaries, involve people going down to  cauces station in the evening , and Dr. Paul's supporters are very furvent for him. His strong points could be the west and the Cauces, with supporters who are willing. 
   Newt Gingrich, February means a lot to him. He's dropping in some polls across the next few states, and Cauces could may not be his strong point. He needs to win high percentages or get a close (very close) second in these states or it's not good in March. 
Rick Santorum , needs February as much as Newt needs it , he needs to raise more money and gain support, he needs strong showings in most of the February states. 

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