Wednesday, January 04, 2012

2012 Caucus and Primary Calendar

CHOICE 2012  CALENDAR                                 
January 10th  
         Primary   New Hampshire  Winner : Mitt Romney , 2nd Ron Paul 3rd  Jon Huntsman 

Saturday, January 21st
       Primary    South Carolina Winner: Newt Gingrich, 2nd  Mitt Romney , 3rd, Rick Santourm 4th, Ron Paul

January 31st
        Primary   Florida Winner : Mitt Romney , 2nd Newt Gingrich, 3RD Rick Santorum  , 4th Ron Paul 


         Caucus  Nevada  Winner: Mitt Romney                              
February 7th                                  
        Caucus    Colorado Winner: Rick Santourm , 2nd Mitt Romney, 3rd Newt Gingrich ,4th Ron Paul         
                        Minnesota Winner : Rick Santourm , 2nd Ron Paul, 3rd Mitt Romney, 4th Newt Gingrich
    Primary       Missouri   Winner : Rick Santourm , 2nd Mitt Romney, 3rd Ron Paul                                    
February  11                               
   Caucus        Maine  Winner : Mitt Romney, 2nd Ron Paul , 3rd Rick Santorum , 4th Newt Gingrich                                         
February 28th                                                  
   Primary       Arizona Winner: MItt Romney 2nd Satnroum, 3rd Gingrich, 4th Paul                                       
                     Michigan Winner: Mitt Romney, Santorum 2nd , 3rd Paul , 4th Gingrich   
          March  3rd
      Caucus     Washington  Winner: Mitt Ronmney, 2nd Ron Paul , 3rd Rick Santourm  4th, Newt Gingrich 
            March  6th
     Caucus          Alaska Winner: Mitt Romney  

     Primary         Georgia  Winner :Newt Gingrich 2nd,Mitt Romney,3rd Rick Santorum , 4th Ron Paul 
                        Massachusetts Winner: Mitt Romney , 2nd Rick Santourm , 3rd Ron Paul , 4th Gingrich 
  Caucus         North Dakota  Winner: Rick Santorum  , 2nd Ron Paul , 3rd Mitt Romney, 4th Santorum 
                       Idaho Winner: Mitt Romney ,2nd Ron Paul ,3rd Mitt Romney ,4th Newt Gingrich  
 Primary          Ohio  Winner : Mitt Romney , 2nd Rick Santourm , 3Rd Newt Gingrich , 4Th Ron Paul 
                      Oklahoma  Winner: Rick Santorum , 2nd Mitt Romney , 3rd Newt Gingrich , 4Th Ron Paul
                      Tennnessee Winner: Rick Santorum , 2nd Mitt Romney ,3rd Newt Ginrich , 4th Ron Paul
                       Vermont  Winner : Mitt Romney , 2nd Ron Paul, 3rd Rick Santourm , 4th Newt Gingrich 
                       Virginia   Winner :Mitt Romney , 2nd Ron Paul 
 Caucus            Wyoming Winner: Mitt Romney
March (continued)                             
March 10th                                       
  Caucus    Kansas  Winner: Rick Santorum                           
                 Virgin Islands Winner: Ron Paul  
                Guam   Winner: Mitt Romney 
                Northern Mariana Islands Winnner: Mitt Romney                 
March 13th                                                        
  Caucus    AAmerican Samoa Winner : Mitt Romney                         
                      Hawaii  Winner:  Mitt Romney
Primary           Alabama  Winner: Rick Santorum 
                     Mississippi  Winner: Rick Santorum 
March 18th                                 
   Caucus         Puerto Rico Winner: Mitt Romney       
March 20th 
Primary        Illinois    Winner: Mitt Romney                                      
March 24th                                                    
Primary            Louisiana   Winner: Rick Santourum                               

   April  3rd
  Primary         Washington D.C Winner : Mitt Romney 
                       Maryland  Winner: Mitt Romney  
    April 24th
 Primary         Connecticut 
                      Rhode Island 

May 8th                                         
 Primary         Indiana                      
                       North Carolina                           
                        West Virginia 
May 15th                                              
 Primary            Idaho                        
                         Nebraska                Primary        California
                        Oregon                                        Montanna
May 22nd                                                             New Jersey
 Primary        Arkansas                                         New Mexico
                     Kentucky                                        South Dakota
May 29th


June 5th

Primary        California  

                   New Jersey 
                  New Mexico 
                  South Dakota 

June 26th
 Primary           Utah    

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

IOWA CAUCUS 2012 [updating post]

Choice 2012 
  By the Croglog  Staff 
        Mychiller's Iowa updates will be seen here 
    [7:35PMET by Shelly W in Iowa] many areas are reading to caucus which start at 7PM Central time , resulted expected  around 9:30PM CT  or earlier   
     [7:41PMET by Skyler ]   Newt Gingrich is speaking to Caucus goers , he's talking against negative ads that have hurt him in polls. 
     [7:49PMET by Shelly W in Iowa] doors are closing at 8PM  CT  
    [8:00PMET by skyler] Caucuses  start now   
         [LIVE Video]  C-span has some video of Caucus in Urbandale , Iowa watch here>
    [8:15PMET by Skyler from twitter] live video from… (that's the station in Des Moines, IA ) #choice2012
   [8:26PMET by Ryan B of mychiller in Iowa] Ron Paul is speaking his case now
   [8:33PMET by Skyler ] Entrance polls say  that it's tied between Paul, Romney and Santorum
   [8:38PMET by Kathy Writer for mychiller]  The question will be how Romney does with Christian Conservatives ,
  [8:44PMET by Skyler] Bachmann is showing up second to last with 1% reporting
  [8:53PMET  by Kathy Writer for mychiller]  If Bachmann loses tonight it could mean the end of her run.
    [the numbers]  
       4% reporting   SANTORUM 24% 1,229 , Paul 24% 1,264  ROMNEY  22% 1,132  Gingrich 13% 1,238  Perry 10% 886  Bachmann 6% 588  HUNTSMAN 1% 53
  [9:06PMET by Skyler on twitter] Huntsman is at  one % because he didn't focus on Iowa #iacaucus
 [ 9:08PMET  by Kathy Writer for mychiller] Younger people go for Paul , and more young are out tonight.  Santorum is getting more Christian Conseratives. more Independents are going to Paul.
[9:12PMET by Skyler]   Tea Party could be effecting the Ronmey numbers. My first prediction said Bachmann gets second but the Tea Party votes are split up at this time so it's harder for them to consolidate.
[9:14PMET  by Skyler] By age 18-29 Paul leads  with 52%  ,  in ages 30-44 he leads at 31% so far
[numbers]  Paul leads with people who make incomes of  less that $30 thousand ,  and $30-50thousand  so far
[NUMBERS]  SANTORUM 23% ROMNEY 23% GINGRICH 13% PERRY 10% Bachmann 6%  Paul 24%  Huntsmnan 1%  15% reporting
   [LINK] iowa map interactive 
[SKYLER On twitter 9:31PMET] According  to polls  Abortion stance was important for those voting for Santourm #choice2012
[9:39PMET by Kathy Walker]  people who make under $100,000 are more for Paul and Santorum people with  more than $100,000 Romney.
[9:45PMET By Kathy Walker]   I say Bachmann  could go to South Carolina but money maybe the factor to hurt.
[LIVE VIDEO] cSPAN 2 has  KCCI-TV coverage
[numbers and places]
    31%  reporting
   Romney  24%  7,844
   Santorum 24%  7,726
   Paul         23%    7,655
  Gingrich    14%    4,440
  Perry         3,433   11%
 Bachmann   6%      1,932
  Huntsman   1%      211
[10:01PMET BY Kathy Walker for mychiller]  Perry  will be able to make it to South  Carolina  , Bachmann will have harder time going on.
[10:01PMET BY Skyler] If  Romney comes in first it will be his  big break
[10:08PMET  By Skyler on twitter] Santorum shows that maybe  saying hello to the people works   #Choice2012
[10:18PMET By Shelly in Iowa] Still to close to call   in Iowa
[10:21PMET By Ryan B] It looks like Bachmann hasn't won a county of Iowa so far
[10:37PMET By Skyler] 4th may be going to Gingrich, 5th Perry, 6th Bachmann, 7th Huntsman
[10:40PMET By Kathy Walker]  Bachmann will not end neither will Gingrich  they are heading to South Carolina that's my view
[11:00PMET By Skyler] Ron Paul to finish 3rd
[live] ron paul talks 
[11:10PMET BY Kathy Walker] Ron Paul , finishing 3RD is a new showing for what could happen next.
[LIVE RON PAUL SPEECH 11:12PMET ] Says that momentum will bring him through New Hampshire
[11:14PMET] Ron Paul  stays on message
[11:15PMET By Kathy Walker] Ron Paul does have that domestic idea when the issue of the season is home economic crisis
[11:17PMET By Skyler ] Newt is to talk  and it's look like Romney could shock all
[11:18PMET LIVE VIDEO} NEWT Gingrich 
[11:19PMET By Kathy Walker] Newt is looking to continue  and he is really mad about the ad tatics it's seems
[11:21PMET BY Skyler] Gingrich goes after Paul says he's dangerous to America, and Mitt Romney is getting to his 25 votes ahead
[11:24PMET By Kathy]  It just means that Newt is angered about the results that he wants to fight on , that's his fighting spirit.
[11:25PMET By Skyler] Gingrich shows some nice words to Santorum ... maybe he is preparing to maybe have some ally with him
[11:26PMET By Kathy Walker] True, to the point that Gingrich says that he is not going to do nasty ads.
[11:28PMET By Skyler] now, we wait
[11:34PMET  By Shelly] Bachmann speaking live 
[11:37PMET By Kathy Walker] Bachmann leaving?... she said no it seems
[11:38PMET By Skyler] Santourm ahead by 45 votes
[11:40PMET by Kathy Walker] Bachmann saying thanks
[11:42PMET by Kathy Walker ] Best Iowa time for Romney
[11:43PMET by Skyler] Santorum could make it through New Hampshire if he goes beyond social issues but he can do it , that was his Iowa voice.
[11:51PMET by Kathy Walker ]  Media will talk down Ron Paul, Perry had a big suffering blow that could be do to his debate performance.
[11:52PMET by Skyler ] Perry, makes his voice heard now , he could still run into South Carolina
[11:54PMET by Skyler]  Rick Perry had debate troubles , true , and that did effect him , much to the point he affected Bachmann when he got in.
[11:55PMET by Kathy Walker]  Santorum and Romney are close and tied it's 96% reporting .
[11:58PMET by Skyler] Perry says he will access if he can go on
[11:59PMET  By Kathy] Perry just surprised me
[12:01AMET By Kathy Walker]  of the loosing candidates , Perry is thinking about the next plan
[12:06AMET By Skyler] that's the Headline now  for now
[12:06AMET by Kathy Walker] Newt's concession speech was  mad because he felt that Romney's  running was un-fair
[12:08AMET By Skyler] The deabtes didn't help Perry, and he's soon going to be leaving probaly.
[12:09AMET  by Kathy Walker] Mitt Romney did well tonight , because he  was focused
[12:11AMET By Skyler]   yes he did , Bachmann's I was from Iowa didn't work
[12:14AMET By Skyler ] CNN has new poll: for NH   Romney leads 47% , Paul 17% , Huntsman 13%. 10% Santorum
[12:17AMET BY Kathy Walker] Report  John MacCain will endorse  Romney
  [live video] Santorum talking 
[12:21AMET By Kathy Walker] Santorum is sweater -less
[12:23AMET by Skyler] Romney's a wee ahead
[12:23AMET by Kathy Walker} Nation meet Rick Santorum ... Santorum meet Nation
[12:24AMET by Skyler] it's 98% in Iowa reporitng Romney leads at 29,625 to 29,584  since the percentage is still the same
[Skyler on twitter 12:26AMET] Somebody needs to win this thing #Choice2012
[Sklyer 12:27AMET } Santorum is showing his Conservative views with out lashing at any one meaning other republicans
[12:27AMET Kathy Walker] Romney Care , there we go
[12:30AMET Skyler] I spoke a bit soon
[12:30AMET Kathy Walker] Yes, you did. Now 99%  Santorum ahead by  5
[12:33AMET Kathy Walker] What worked for Santourm was that he was consistent, he worked around Iowa , he never changed his views and got the peak at the right time.
[12:35AMET by Skyler] What worked for Paul  is that he was constant and he debated hard
[12:36AMET by Skyler] We are off to New Hampshire says  Santorum
[12:37AMET by Skyler] Romney next to speak
LIVE video Romney 
[12:42AMET by Kathy ] Romney goes to the attack
[12:44AMET By Skyler] Romney still running in genral election mode
[12:47AMET By Kathy]  That's the Mitt Romney way
[12:49AMET by Skyler]  Still not done yet
[12:51AMET by Kathy ] it's really close and up by 34 for Santorum
[12:54AMET by Skyler]   really to close to call
[12:57AMET by Kathy and Skyler] We are going to have to wrap this up .. thanks for joining us  up next New Hampshire.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Have a Merry Christmas

By Skyler

   We at mychiller want to wish you a Merry Christmas to you and may it go well.

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Your Decision 2012: Herman Cain Announces He is suspending is champaign

Your Decision 2012 
 Herman Cain  (R)
    By Shelly Walker (Mychiller/Croglog ) office of news director '
 Herman Cain , GOP presidential  candidate, announced in Atlanta, GA, today  that he will be suspending his Presidential Candidate bid. After sexual harassment allegations and a alleged affair with a woman for 13 years.  

Monday, October 10, 2011

NetFlix Canceles Qwikster

By Ryan B of mychiller money 
 Today Netflix backtracks on separating it's  DVD and streaming services. Before it even began. Here's my reason why I think so.
 (1)Customers didn't like it.
 Netflix announced earlier in the summer they are going to be raising their prices this made their subscribers mad, then they announced that they were going to split the services, that was last month. Consumers were mad but why? Well you would have to either choose between streaming only or DVD only or fork more and pay for both.  Netflix still has much more in DVD's than it does in streaming. Qwikster and Netflix would be two separate websites , two separate bill charges, too much work.  
(2) Share Holders didn't like it.
     After Netflix unveiled its Qwikster plans, its stock, which had been tumbling since July, fell another 25 percent — from $155 on Sept. 16 to $117 last Friday.
  But we did forget something , they aren't changing that price hike plan that they made earlier this summer . That's what caused this trouble
 Netflix was also afraid of competitors  readying to swoop in and take the anger and put it to their advantage, Dish Network's Blockbuster for example. Listening to the customer in a subscriber based business is important and they understood that it was hurting them in the long term.

Wednesday, October 05, 2011

R.I.P Steve Jobs (videos)

from /nbc nightlynews

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Stories we found online for Wednesday 21st 2011

News  Across the country 
Today's headlines we found across the country.
National  International 
President Obama Rejects Palestinians' U.N call for satehood (WXMI) 

National  CT 
 Two women Rescued from Mountain   (FOX CT) 
National  OH 
 The candidate-less ballot  (WUPW)

National  UT 
  Police: Airline Passenger carries knife threatened others (KSL) 
more headlines after the jump

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CNN'S GOP debate from 9/12/2011

VIDEO  Make a decision 2012

Part one

parts two and three and fourafter the jump

Monday, September 12, 2011

Video: Meet the Walmart on top and Sam's Club on Bottom store

VIDEO  Croglog Money News 
    From NBC NEWS
watch full video  below

Sunday, September 11, 2011

It happened 10 years ago: remembering 9/11:

   We remember  the words hearing the sky in New York city was a perfect crisp blue and the sun was shining . only then to be blackened by a the World Trade center being attacked by hi-jacked planes. How have we as Americans gone in the past few years. Remember that feeling of being sad on that day, but hope prevailed and people  started acting like people should. Hateful act so wrong so murderous was met with sadness, hope and revenge. Over 3000 people died and the New York skyline was changed  a great hole was left literally and in people's hearts. For many it's not hard to forget this event and what it brought. Terrorism was the word of this new century now,  We shouldn't fear we should learn. We should never this day forget , but it's history now and will always be , time goes on. For those families who lost them it's a painful day by day remembrance.

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Watch Live President speech on Jobs plan


Friday, August 19, 2011

Good bye Burger King

By Michele Hanson 
 mychiller money news    
    Oh, Burger King is dropping the "king" not the name king but the character. New ads will now focus on healthy and fresh foods. Burger king has been making some changes this year including:

Monday, August 15, 2011

Google to Buy Motorola Mobility for 12.5 billion

A mychiller life and mychiller money combined report.
         Google announced this morning that are going to acquire Motorola  mobility  for $12.5 billion in cash.  Google makes the Android software and many phones by Motorola are powered by Android.  Google says :
      "The acquisition of Motorola Mobility, a dedicated Android partner, will enable Google to supercharge the Android ecosystem and will enhance competition in mobile computing.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Michelle Bachmann wins Iowa Straw Poll

Politics  Make a Decision 2012 
     Ames, Iowa-- Minnesota Representative and Republican presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann has won the Iowa Straw poll with Texas Representative  Ron Paul winning in a close second.
     Bachmann : 4,823 votes,
    Texas Rep. Ron Paul:  4,671 votes.
    Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty 2,293 ballots, placing him third.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Opinion by Semma Lennox : American government wants it's hit

    Opinion BY Semma Lenox for Croglog

     The American government wants it's hits. As tries to figure out how to raise the debt ceiling and save that good credit rating of it. America does not deserve a good credit rating it has. If any person had debt like this , they could not raise their debt ceiling so they can go on spending or they won't have a good credit rating.
      Making cuts has been called evil you are going to throw grandma over a cliff and make her work till she's 90. Which is false. Making cuts is moral obligation to our later generations. The government has been spending too much over. It's Former President Bush's fault and Current President Obama's fault. The Liberals and Democrats want to raise taxes, wait a second they make about $2 trillion dollars a year from taxes so what the heck are doing with it? They need their fix of more money to waste and that's not what we need. America's government is an addict they need their hit of money and we need to get them into rehab.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

LIVE: President on Afghanistan

Watch live here>>>

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Make A decision 2012: John Huntsman is Running

Politics Make a decision 2012
   Former Republican Governor of Utah , John Huntsman announced today he will be running for president making that announcement today in New Jersey in front of the statue of liberty.
What To know about him 
    -Worked as an ambassador to China under the Obama Administration from 2009-2011.
      - He's 51 years old 
     -  Governor of Utah from 2005-2009
      Video of annoucement below 

Monday, June 20, 2011

6 year old girl feels that she's too fat

Video Mychiller life about self 
(Video from ABC NEWS) 
  It seems that girls are worrying about body image at younger and younger ages 
Video after the jump

the video wall mondayJune 20th 2011

Video NEWS wall

Cancer Survivors beat  the odds and gruaduate high school (from msnbc)
more videos

The Republican Change

Politics  make a decision 2012  Opinion  Strategy
 By Robert G for mychiller news
As the 2012 election campaign has pretty much started it surprises me to find a different Republican Party from before. Back in 2008 they were defending the Iraq war much like in 2004 . War-hawk , John McCain became  the nominee for his party in 2008. President Obama when he was still a candidate was being the "anti-bush" man he wanted to make sure you associated John McCain with Former President Bush. He said he was going to close "Gitmo" but it's still open. He said he was going to end the Iraq war , there are still American troops there, he also expanded how many are in Afghanistan and now involved in Libya.  Republicans in congress and the candidates are now  saying get out of Libya and the other places because it costs too much. A change has been made alright. Sunday, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) was fearing his party is become an isolationist party, sounds like 1900's there. I think that is a good move all these going into conflicts doesn't help the United States in the long run .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just thought you should see this: Boy wears dress to school

SeattleNEWS odd news
  Port Orchard
   A 15-year-old boy named Sam Saurs decided to make a bet with his mother  who complained that her high heels were killing her feet. The bet was that he couldn't last a day in high heels. He took it to an extra step adding a dress and make-up. He went to his school Sedgwick Junior High. He was called to office. He was suspended for rest of the year , not allowed to the 9th-grade trip and school's annual trip.  The school board tried to resevers it. But he did have his suspension ended but he will not be allowed to the dance.
video after the jump

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

THE NEWS in form for JUne 15th 2011

WEST  Banned Milk 
   The LA school board voted to band all flavored miklk from schools effective July 1st. This is after many say that flavored milk is just as bad as soda. 

 LINK  Elderly  couple fosters 79 kids   wfmz 
LINK   US falls in life expecenty (cnn video) 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Girl becomes 3rd in US to surive Rabies with out Medication

   From KXTL (FOX40 a Tribune Company)   >>Full story here 

The Dirty Fruit LIst

Mychiller life health news on croglog
by the Croglog news
 The dirtiest produce list for this year is out. The Environmental working group  ranked what fruits have the highest amount of pesticides.
'The Dirty ones'

1. Apples

2. Celery

3. Strawberries

4. Peaches

5. Spinach

6. Imported nectarines

7. Imported grapes

8. Sweet bell peppers

9. Potatoes

10. Domestic blueberries

11. Lettuce

12. Kale/collard greens
'Clean ones' after the jump. 

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Opinion: She still is not going to run

Opinion by John Werth for mychiller news
    Sarah Palin is doing a bus tour, that means she's going to run!  I said a couple of weeks ago that Mrs.Palin will not be running for the Republican nomination for the presidency in 2012 , I still say that.  Sarah Palin who may have the taste for the Presidency in 2009 may have lost it  in the few months. She is now doing books , tours, and TV.  She may rather be wanting to have a TV show or a radio show or better yet she may be a person who brings donors to the  Republicans helping other candidates run and show how conservative they are. She's been torn apart by the media in the past couple years , What do you think they would do if she was a presidential candidate? 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Make A decision 2012: Opinion : Why Hucakbee chose not run for president, and Sarah Palin probaly won't on't

Opinion  Make a Decision 2012 
BY John Werth  for Mychiller News
  Mike Huckabee announced , Saturday, that he was not running for President, I am not surprised by that. Think about this he is  a TV star now and he wants to do daytime tv soon, I would think. He said his heart was saying do it run for president. But really ? No just as much as Trump was not ever going to run for president  , the TV networks wasted their time. Why money? He does two things run a business , and be  TV star. Huckabee is making more money, speaking and doing TV then he would be as president.  Now to Sarah Palin, why do I think she's not going to run.  Fox News Channel has a slot opening up soon? Seriously , though she's making more money as the former governor of Alaska.   She's working on TV shows and writing books , being a political anylist so why be President? It's less fun. Get the point they aren't running because of stardom , many things changed since 2009.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#Election2012 Mike Huckabee's not Running

  #My decision 2012  NEWS POLITICS
 By Mark R  of mychiller News
Fomer 2008 Presidential canidate, Fmr Governor of Arkansas, and current FOX NEWS talk show host, Mike Huckabee is not running for the GOP 2012 nomination.  He announced his decsion last night on his FOX NEWS show.
      Now here's what he said Last night , after the jump,.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Microsoft buying Skype for $8.5billion

BusinessNews  by #Ryan B of mychillermoney

     Microsoft announced  today they are  buying internet phone service , Skype for $8.5 billion.  This after news of google or facebook trying to buy Skype last week. Skype will become a new business unit within Microsoft, to be run by current Skype CEO Tony Bates. He will report directly to Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer.  Microsoft is trying to develop   itself to compete on the web and the mobile phone market.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Opinion : I wanna see a body

By Darina for myhiller news
   Dear people who wanna see Osama's body,
  What is wrong with you , you wanna see the body of a dead man on your TV and on line? President Obama said something very smart yesterday not to drag a body out like a trophy. I do not support Mr.Obama on many things but this time I agree. That is something he did , his followers cheering the deaths on 9-11 and showing bodies of people he and his people killed. He and his group cheered after the deaths. He was an evil man , I don't wanna seen an evil man on TV dead or alive. Someone told me that the body should be  seen because it would show that this is what you do if you mess with the United States. Sarah Palin tweeted something close to that. That's great don't mess with us is your message, maybe they shouldn't brag about their doing , to show the world that we can act with some class even if we kill someone who is  a murderer that we don't brag about it and not show the body.

    Darina, who did not want to share her last name wrote this piece for croglog as a guest opinionist. Her views do not represent the views of Croglog/mychillernews. She did this without payment as a guest who wanted to express how she felt publicly.  Thanks to her for writing this for our site. 

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Breaking news: Osama BIn Laden is dead

 This is  a breaking story >>>
President Obama is to report Osama bin Laden is dead, Us has body, and he was killed by misslies

shelly  11:35pmet

Obama: Tonight we have news that Osama Bin Laden has been killed
Remembering those who died in 2001

Obama: Last August  I was briefed on a lead . it took months. We located him inPakistan. Last,week we found the compound in Pakistan. NOAMericans were harmed. Custody of body.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Shutdown stop DEAL

Nation  Politics
   Republican and  Democrats evaded the government shutdown in about an hour before it could have happened.  The agreement involves $39billion in cuts.  The last-minute agreement would cut $38.5 billion in domestic spending over the rest of Fiscal Year 2011 and increase defense spending by $5 billion.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Opinion: OBAMA'S Big Mistake

Opinion for Croglog by Lewis O. ( A contributor to croglog , his views don to represent the views of Croglog)
   President Barark Obama tried to give his reasoning for the “No Fly zone” military action in Libya, A reason that was good to interfered in the affairs of another country that was not interfering with another country. A good reason to try to knock a leader out power of said country. I checked my calendar and made sure it wasn't 2003, it sure sounded like it was 2003. “Well Gadaffy is killing is own people”, some try to reason as answer. Mr. Obama and his crew tried to make a reason of why they are sending our streched military to Libya. They are helping people called the rebels , we don't even know who they are ,they could be terrorists groups and we helping people with out full information. 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Spending bill passes house: 3 week supply

   House Passes 3 week spending bill 
Washington DC- The House passed a spending bill that will cut $56billion  and  supply enough money for the government  to run for 3 more weeks. This is the second time this month since the first spending bill ,that was passed, allows the government to run until Friday. This is buying more time while the Republicans and the President  hash out an agreement over the  by a 271-158 vote despite opposition from some tea party-backedconservatives who said it "kicks the can down the road" instead of imposing steep and immediate spending cuts.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cumulus to buy Citadel Broadcasting

 Business News  Media by Sara of mychillermoney
    Cumulus Media Inc.(CLMS) is buying Citadel Broadcasting (CTDBQ) this will make them the 2nd largest radio media company after Clear Channel. The Atlanta based company is  buying the Los-Veags based company for $1.7-billion. Cumulus would own 572 radio stations across about 120 U.S. markets once the deal announced Thursday closes. It would remain the No. 2 radio station owner in the U.S. behind Clear Channel Communications Inc., which owns more than 800 stations. Cumulus said Thursday it was paying $37 a share in cash and stock for Citadel, which owns 225 radio stations in more than 50 markets. Las Vegas-based Citadel had previously rejected a $31-a-share offer from Cumulus.

Cumulus said the deal values Citadel as an enterprise at about $2.4 billion.  This the second time Cumulus tried to buy Citadel , the last time was unsuccessful. Citadel declared bankruptcy 2 years ago. 

Moblie Merger talks between Sprint and T-moblie USA

   Business News  Tech News  by Ryan  of mychiller money
         Sprint Nextel (S) and Deutsche Telekom are in talks to merge it's T-moblie USA with Sprint to help compete against the larger us carriers of AT&T (T) and Verizon (VZ) .  These are update to old talks that didn't go anywhere between the two companies.  Sprint  has showed it wants to own more than half of the merged company and it's CEO would be the leader.  Sprint which is losing steam due to not having a  large name phone like AT&T and Verizon and not a famous network like the rest.

Toyota Hybrids sell passes 3million

BusinessNews   By Shelly - mychillermoney on Croglog
    Toyota (TM)  's popular Electric-gas powered cars have surpassed the 3million in sells. The Prius was first sold in Japan in 1997 and came to the United States in 2001. Though other car companies have their own hybrids it looks like Toyota's is the most popular. With high gas prices reaching up again  close to $400 a gallon expect more sales of the car.

Opinion: Don't interfere in Libya

     James  M.- A mychiller contributor   Opinion 
 Wrote this piece his views do not represent the views of mychiller-croglog  his views Represent his own views.
        The protesting in Libya over  Gaddafi , who led the country for 41 years , is getting a  crackdown by the supporters of the dictator. The U.N froze his assets,last month. Talks of no-fly zones and invasion , is haste. The man is crazy. It's sad to see what he is doing  but at the same time if we try to fix it he could probably go crazy and do unthinkable things. The situation is delicate  and needs to be treated carefully , the risks. The Pros and cons of what invasion or no fly zone means.  We should learn about thinking hasty doesn't work as well we have examples of that in chances of crisis. Just as in Egypt , what will happen shall happen and  less people will die if we don't interfere in my own mind.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Wisconsin State Senate passes restrictions on Collective Barggining

  Nation  Wisconsin Local NEWS

     Wisconsin's Republican-led state Senate passed Gov. Scott Walker's proposed restrictions on collective bargaining for public employees Wednesday, getting around a Democratic walkout by stripping financial provisions from the bill.

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Upadate on shooting of 2 American Airmen in Germany

       International      Prosecutors in Germany investigating  , Wednesday's  fatal shooting of 2 American Air men and one seriously injured may have been part of Islamic Extremist terrorism. A 21-year-old Albanian from Kosovo was arrested and is expected to appear in court today.
    He's been identified as Arid Uka -- reported Wednesday as Arif -- a devout Muslim who worked at the Frankfurt airport and whose parents moved to Germany years ago to give their son a better life. A top German security official told reporters today that Uka has confessed to targeting the U.S. troops and said he's believed to have acted alone.

Wisconsin Govenor Threatens Layoffs

  Nation Wisconsin 
       Governor Scott Walker (R) of WI announced Thursday, he will start the lay-off process of 1,500 state workers if State senate Democrats who are hiding in Illinois to refuse budget cut bill. With the 14 senators gone the state senate can't a have a quorum. They say that the measures will cripple the public unions. Walker's budget proposal hinges on the state saving $330 million over two years from forcing state workers to pay more for their benefits. He's also cutting aid to schools and local governments by about $1 billion, reductions he says they can't handle without the freedom he gives them through eliminating nearly all collective bargaining with public workers.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

The News Today March 2nd 2011

Nation  International    
     Westboro Baptist Church Ruling
A Kansas church that attracted nationwide attention for its angry, anti-gay protests at the funerals of U.S. military members has won its appeal at the Supreme Court, an issue testing the competing constitutional rights of free speech and privacy.

The justices, by an 8-1 vote, said Wednesday that members of Westboro Baptist Church had a right to promote what they call a broad-based message on public matters such as wars. The father of a fallen Marine had sued the small church, saying those protests amounted to targeted harassment and an intentional infliction of emotional distress.
Wisconsin Budget Fight
   Wisconsin Senate Republicans have voted on a resolution that would fine missing Democrats $100 every day they remain away from the state capital, Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald told reporters. The measure would take effect Friday and could also force the absentee lawmakers to forfeit their parking spaces and discretionary spending accounts.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Government Shutdown Watch: House plasses 2 week budget

  Nation  Congress
       The House of Representatives passed a bill Tuesday that would extend funding for the federal government by another two weeks -- through March 18 -- while cutting $4 billion from current spending levels.The bill was approved in a 335-91 vote. Republicans overwhelmingly backed the measure while Democrats were sharply divided.  It still needs to go through the senate.The debate still continues on a full year budget.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Talks :Polical talk for today sunday February 27th 2011

Politics  Nation  
       Christie: Presidental Canidates shouldn't be scripted.
      New Jersey governor , Chris Christe (R) was on CBS'S face the nation  today , he says that he is not running for president , but does have some advice for candidates.Voters don't want candidates who are "blow-dried," scripted and try to "finesse" their way around tough issues with "poll-tested" answers He said on Face the nation
"you can't finesse it. And you have to have unscripted moments. You cannot be blow-dried and, you know, poll- tested and come out here. That's not what the American people want. They want somebody who is going to speak straight to them...And they want unguarded moments. That's when they can really judge your character."
more after the jump

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Rising Gas Price

     Money  Consumer     
    Shelly Mychiller Money-
       Gas prices this week have increased 17¢ following a high rise of oil prices which are scratching between $90 to $100. Gas prices were highest in Hawaii, where drivers paid $3.761 a gallon, on average. Wyoming had the lowest gas prices at roughly, $3.032 a gallon.  This could effect the American economy ,which is mostly consumer spending based . Oil prices have been driven higher by political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, where much of the world's oil comes from. Despite the surge in prices this week, the amount of oil that has been taken off the world market has been relatively minimal.
Related links  to help with gas prices  (gas buddy) 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Former President Bush cancels event

    Politics   Odd news
         Former President George W Bush decided not to be with  WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at a leadership  conference in Denver , Colorado. Though Assange , who is fighting extradition to Sweden to face sex charges , was going to speak via-satellite. The former president maybe thought that was still to close.  A Bush spokesperson said , "has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States." Wikileaks called bush "thin-skinned"

Police Shutdown Girlsscouts' cookie stand

VILLA RICA, Ga. — A Girl Scout leader says young members of her troop thought they were headed to jail when a Georgia police officer told them to quit selling cookies.The city's police chief and mayor spoke with the officer. They say he did nothing wrong and that it was a misunderstanding.
The troop now has a permit to sell. And to smooth things over, the city is offering the scouts a pizza party.
Video from WXIA after the jump 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Big Politics of the day 2/24/2011

       Today we have so many political stories to update about.
      Trump for President?  Postive polling on Donald Trump doesn't surprise him. He talked this on his youtube channel. He  said , ""There's been a lot of talk about a poll that came out last night," Trump said in the video. "The fact is I'm not campaigning, and I'll make a decision sometime in June. But I'm not that surprised."  He was alluding to a  Daily Beast Poll that had him only 2 points behind Obama.
     More news after the jump>>.

The Last Hurrah

      Space Shuttle Discovery made it's last trip to space, it was the  most used shuttle by NASA , it's the 3rd to last space shuttle mission for NASA, as it sets let private companies take over space trips. The Discovery was delayed by 4 months due to fuel tank problems, that shows the age of these shuttles. The next 2 missions will be done by Endeavorer. Atlantis was retired last year.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Girl gets Blake Giffin's old number

Video  Oklahoma news 

An Oklahoma teen says she's being bombarded with calls on her new cell phone. But the people calling aren't looking for her; they're trying to get in touch with a celebrity.
Video after from KFOR is after the jump>>

Headline Reports for 2/23/2011


   Jason Fabery- Croglog News.
      Gov. Neil Abercrombie signed same-sex civil unions into law Wednesday, granting gay and lesbian couples the same state rights as married partners.   It will start January 1st 2012, becoming the 7th State to approve it. Arguments over civil unions and gay marriage have long divided the state, which nearly became the first in the nation to legalize gay marriage in 1993 because of a state Supreme Court ruling.   
More headlines after the jump

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Will Mike Huckabee run in 2012?

Countdown to 2012    VIDEO
    Will former Arkansas Governor, 2008 presidental canidate and TV show host run in 2012? He was on ABC NEWS' Nightline lastnight also includes Duck Hunting.
Video after the Jump

John Thune decides not to run for President

Countdown to Decision 2012
The GOP has another candidate announcing they are not running. 
     South Dakota Senator John Thune announced today that he will not run for President. Citing "this period of fiscal crisis and economic uncertainty," Thune wrote on his website that "at this time, I feel that I am best positioned to fight for America's future here in the trenches of the United States Senate."  He is the second canidate from the Republican Party deciding not to run for 2012 election.   

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Tuscon Memorial for victims of Saturday, January 8th's shooting that killed 6 and injured others including , AZ   Rep. Gabrielle Giffords.   
Watch more 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Video: Tuscon Shootings leaves void in lives

Watch full video

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday, The 17th of November 2010

 I heart Boobies Lawsuit 
Pa. School middle school girls sue over 'I heart boobies' bracelet ban. The American Civil Liberties Union believes the lawsuit is the first in the country over a school’s ban on the $4 bracelets, which are designed to raise breast-cancer awareness among young people. The rubber jewelry has become wildly popular among students, prompting bans across the country.
School officials in Easton argue that the slogan is distracting and demeaning, and that some staff feel it trivializes a serious illness.  Read more 

Friday, October 08, 2010

Video:"Dora the Explorer" voice actor is suing Nickeloden

Video: The 14-year-old actor of "Dora The Explorer is suing  Nickelodeon says: she was cheated of millions of dollars.
Video from abc news

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Video: Egg recall

A salmonella outbreak has now caused a recall on over 380 million eggs.
Video after the break

Monday, August 02, 2010

Video: New Grocery Products


Thursday, July 29, 2010

The News wall Top stories for the day (in video) for July 29th 2010

We are trying a new feature to have the days 3 stories put up here in a news wall.

Operation  Noah's Ark: A way to save animals in the Gulf. (From Fox News)

Ethics panel gives 13 charges against Rangel

Washington D.C news update-  Thursday the house ethics panel found accused 20-term rep. from NY Charles Rangel  13 violations of House rules involving alleged financial wrongdoing and harming the credibility of Congress. Charges include using his influence to solicit  money from coperate heads for a collage fund that in name of him. He had to step down from the House ways and means committee earlier this year due to the charges. Other charges involve alleged income tax and financial disclosure violations, as well as improper use of government mail service and letterhead. Many house dems want him to step down due to fears in the election year that he may show up corruption. He also could face jail time.  

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

BP Oil Spill day 100

April 20th 2010 

Today July 28th marked the 100th day of the BP oil spill in the gulf the story started April 20th  when a ocean riser blew up. It killed 11 people. Then the oil started gushing out into the Gulf of Mexico. BP had tried these attempts to stop it : "Top Hat" "Top Kill" , a cap, and finally a better cap. That on around day  89 no oil leaked in the gulf  for the first time since April 19th.
Attacks and anger on BP happened including on the CEO of the British Oil Comany ,Tony Hayword, was ousted from day to day in U.S spill and now being transfered from CEO to a leader at BP Russia.   The economic impact may be worse  fishers in the gulf had to stop work  because of the spill and many other oil workers in the gulf had to quit due to stops on banning of oil drilling. Also due to beaches being closed there was really no one coming to the beaches due to fear of oil. On day 100 we are still waiting for the relief wells to finally happen and stop this all. Most of the oil has been degrading in the water due to natural processes.  Scares happend too including 2 tropical storms which gladly did nothing to the oil.
many beaches have been closed due to the spill.
So the work still has to be done to soon , maybe revive the gulf area which was hit by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and now this almost 5 years later. The oil spill has cost a lot and it will continue.

Now here's a video  with more coverage  from CNN.